Flowers have had a great history since ancient times, and their importance to our lives is truly undeniable. We use them for many different purposes, such as greetings or expressing emotions, decorating homes, gardens, and landscapes, medicinal purposes, offerings to the god, peace and tranquility, weddings and festive celebrations, and more. There are thousands of species on our beautiful planet, and covering them all in a single post is almost next to the impossible. So, here in this article, we’ll introduce you to the only flowers that start with the letter “C.” So, let’s jump into the topic and explore more about flowers having their names starting with the letter “C”:
Calendula Officinalis
The flower that gets first place in our list is Calendula Officinalis, commonly known as Pot Marigold. They belong to a daisy flower family and are native to Southern Europe. Calendula Officinalis is an aromatic flower with a short life span with great importance in medicines. The Calendula ointments are used for skin ailments as they have anti-inflammatory properties.
California Poppy
California Poppy is a specie of flowering plant having multiple names, such as California sunlight, a cup of gold, and golden poppy. The reason for having these names for California Poppy is very clear as they have stunning colors like red, orange, and yellow, while the shape of the flower resembles a cup. The flower has many qualities, including its use in foods for garnishing and flavoring. California state in the United States officially announced California Poppy as the flower of state in 1903.
Calla Lily
Calla Lily is native to Southern Africa and is commonly known as Arum Lily. However, the member of the genus does not belong to or represent the true lily family. These are ornamental flowering plants because of their colorful flowers and leaves. They signify fertility while they are well-known as a symbol of death. Calla Lily flower blooms in many colors, which include white, yellow, purple, red, black, and pink. Each color has a different significance.
Campanula Latifolia
The habitat of these flowers is in Europe and Western Asia. Campanula Latifolia is a perennial herbaceous plant that can grow from 2 feet to 4 feet. The flower is so beautiful that USSR used the flower on their postal stamps in 1988. Campanula Latifolia is widely known as a giant bellflower or a wide-leaved bellflower. The word campanula literally means bell-like, and they are symbolic of attraction and maturity.
You probably get confused with the flower name and associate it with something related to candy. But, the flower has no association with candy. Instead, the flower got its name from Candia, which was the former name of Iraklion. They belong to the Brassicaceae family or generally known as the cabbage family. The most amazing thing about Candytufts is they provide nourishments to many insect species, including butterflies. They are the symbolism of sweetness and forbearing beauty.
Canna Lily
Canna lily is the only flowering plant in the family of Cannaceae and is not a member of the true lily family. They are a great source of starch and are cultivated for human consumption. The flower requires a significant temperature, and as they require 6 to 8 hours of sunlight, cultivators mostly grow them during summer. The origin of this name came from the Greek word “Kanna.” Canna Lily has many different ranges in colors, including pale-yellow, orange, blood red, and all shades that form between pink, apricot, and salmon.
Cape Primrose
Cape Primrose is a flowering plant native to central, eastern, and southern Africa, Comoro Islands, and Madagascar. Cape Primrose resembles orchids, and one can get bewildered by their appearance. The botanical name for Cape Primrose is Streptocarpus. Their similarity to orchids gets even more resounding when you see them in purple. Cape Primrose has colorful shades, including blue, pink, yellow, purple, white, and bi-colors. They signify protection, safety, and love.
Cardinal Flower
This flowering plant is also a member of the bellflower family Campanulaceae and is native to Canada, the United States, Mexico, and northern Colombia. They are usually found in vibrant red color and can grow to a height of 4 feet. The botanical name of this flowering plant is Lobelia Cardinalis. These flowers are potentially toxic and, when consumed, lead to diarrhea, vomiting, exhaustion, weakness, and more. The Red Cardinal flower represents dignity and distinction.
Carnation is one of the most beautiful flowers and is widely known for its importance in gifting purposes. People around the world greet their mother on mother’s day with white carnations as they have a history associated with it. Anna Jarvis coined the idea of celebrating mother’s day as a commemoration of her mother’s wish to have a day to appreciate every mother’s contribution to society. You can explore mother’s day gifts at our website to please your mother on this significant day. Carnations are native to the Mediterranian and are found in red, pink, white, scarlet, and yellow colors. Every different color of carnation has its own significance. Dianthus Caryophyllus is the botanical name for Carnations.
Celosia is a small edible plant belonging to the Amaranthaceae family and got its name from the Greek word “kḗleos,” which means burning, referring to flame-like flower heads. Celosia is commonly known as Woolflowers or Cockscomb. However, Cockscomb is a botanical name for this flowering plant. They are native to Africa but are widely known as a foodstuff in India and Indonesia. Furthermore, they require less care as compared to vegetables. They symbolize boldness and have many colors like white, purple, maroon, red, orange, pink, and yellow.
Chrysanthemums are commonly known as mums or chrysanths. This beautiful flowering plant is native to eastern Asia and Europe. They belong to the family Asteraceae and bloom in colors like orange, yellow, white, red, purple, and lavender. Chrysanthemums can be used in a mixed flower bouquet to make it look stunning. They are known for representing joy, optimism, fidelity, and longevity. Every different color of this gorgeous flower has distinct symbolism. Its botanical name is the same as they are known in general. With our online flower delivery service, you can get these flowers at your doorsteps or send them to your beloved anywhere in India.
Clarkia is a flowering plant with over 40 known species, all belonging to the region of western North America. They belong to the Onagraceae flowering plant family with availability in lavender, white, and pink colors. The flower symbolizes charm and enthusiasm. Out of 40 species, some are popular as garden flowers. Clarkia provides an ecosystem or a habitat for native pollinators, while it is also a host plant for caterpillars.
Clematis has flashy petals, which is because they are called Leather Flower. However, there are several other names for these flowers, such as traveler’s joy, old man’s beard, virgin’s bower, or a vase vine. They are native to Japan and China, having many different colors like pink, white, red, blue, and bi-color. They represent mental beauty, creativeness, and innovation. Clematis belongs to the buttercup family Ranunculaceae, which includes around 300 species of flowering plants.
The botanical name for Clover is Trifolium and has red, purple, yellow, white, and pink colors. This flowering plant has around 300 species in the pea family. Clovers are native to Europe, while many species are also found in the African tropical region. They are also called trefoil, which is a common name for the family to which they belong. Shamrock, the symbol of Ireland, is closely associated with Clover. They signify hope, love, good fortune, and faith. Clover leaves can be used to make tea as well.
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